Women in FOCUS - An Interview with Alex Glen-Holmes
As someone heavily involved in Community Events, Port Macquarie Chamber, and a busy Business Owner, what keeps you motivated?
There is an old saying “Love what you do, and you will never work hard” I love working, helping, and engaging with others. I became involved with Chamber over 10 years ago and have always been a big believer in giving back to the community and feel that if we all work together it helps promote each other as well as our local area. By doing this we all succeed, grow and move on together. In business if you are prepared to take from the community as far as their support, custom and money you also have to be prepared to give back that can be via mentoring, support or even community/sporting sponsorship. Something simple we can all do.
As a long-time member of HBWN, what is the best thing about being a part of our network?
Connections and the strategic alliances that you can build with other businesses. It is amazing how totally different businesses can work together to promote each other. I also love the comradery. Being a woman in business is challenging, add to this raising families and looking after a household. It is great to be around other business women that understand the added challenges. It is also reassuring to know that you are doing ok and not feel like you have to be superwoman.
What are some tips for other women to stay grounded when they get really busy?
Be prepared to ask for help. No woman or man is an island! If you want to succeed in business or anything else in life you need to be prepared to take help when offered and ask if it’s not. This may be in the form of physical help or mental help as far as mentoring or just a coffee chat. There is no such thing as failure just learning experiences and if you look at any business that is doing well, they have all struggled many times. Be prepared to reach out when you need it as it is amazing what you will learn from the experience with a fresh set of eyes. As long as we are learning we are growing so continually educate yourself and surround yourself with new experiences.
Tell us a bit about some of your biggest challenges and what you’ve done to overcome them?
My biggest challenge has probably been trying to keep everyone happy! Bringing up 4 active children while running a business with my husband and having my own career I found that I was trying to keep everyone happy and at times felt like I was on a treadmill. I had to learn to find the harmony but to take a bit of time to look out for me too! If I fell in a heap, I was no good to anyone. Unfortunately, this took me many years to learn but after some wise words from a mentor I introduced a “me day”. This is where at least once a month I took myself off for a facial, massage or maybe a hair appointment, turned off the phone and had some time out. You learn that there will always be someone that needs you but YOU needs you too.
What is your main focus right now?
I love working with other people and seeing them reach their goals, succeed and achieve. This is one of the reasons that I am now doing training and licencing courses in Real Estate apart from just selling. I am also very invested in the Chamber and ensuring that this remains a support network for businesses and meeting the needs of business people as well as being a voice for business.
Do you have any pearls of wisdom for other busy women?
Trust in yourself and your instincts and learn to put yourself first occasionally. You are awesome so smile and lift your head high. If you are having a bad day just remember tomorrow is a fresh start.
Thank you for sharing your story with us, Alex!
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