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REAP Food Rescue Receives Large Donation

Posted on 9 February 2017

Members of the Hastings Business Women's Network Reap and Sow Committee presented a cheque to Katrina Humble of REAP Food Rescue by OzHarvest at the Port Macquarie Neighbourhood Centre.

A sizable donation of $12,261 was raised at the Reap & Sow fundraising event in November.

The Hastings Business Women's Network (HBWN), Dragonfly Marketing, Charles Sturt University (CSU), XS Foods, SNAP and Port Macquarie Taxis organised and sponsored the Reap & Sow event with all proceeds benefiting our local community.

The money raised will help REAP Food Rescue pay for transportation costs for their refrigerated van. 

Volunteers collect fresh excess food from local food suppliers such as Coles, Grumpys, Bakers Delight, Woolworths and Pye Provedores. The fresh food is transported to the neighbourhood centres and soup kitchens who prepare and offer it to those who need it.

Port Macquarie Neighbourhood Centre Coordinator, Julie Trowbridge, is excited how the Neighbourhood Center's Food Connect program helps more individuals and families since partnering with REAP Food Rescue.

"Food Connect started as a small table of bread that expanded to an entire roomful of fresh fruit, vegetables, and meats," states Ms Trowbridge.

The partnership with REAP Food Rescue allowed Food Connect to grow very quickly and serve hundreds of families each week. Some people stop in weekly, others only once if they are having a hard week.

"The idea is simple giving excess food to families who need it. But most people don't realise how many organisations are involved to make it happen. We are grateful for community groups like the Hastings Business Women's Network and their financial support," adds Ms Trowbridge.

However, the process has its costs. Transportation and refrigeration costs are a large expense for REAP Food Rescue. The $12,261 donation received will pay a full year of transportation costs allowing them to keep their pick up and delivery schedule full every week.

Food Connect is for everyone. Community members can stop into the neighborhood centre starting at 9.30am Tuesdays and Thursdays in Port Macquarie and Mondays in Wauchope. They ask for a gold coin donation and that you are selecting food that only your family will need for the next couple of days.

25 January 2017
