Need Financial & Training Support to Build Your A- Team?
There's no denying that everyday demands of business often challenge our opportunities to strategize for future growth.
A key factor in helping us take our business to the next level is having a great team.
It's probably fair to say that while you're ready to move forward, the prospect of building your A-Team is on hold because recruiting is exhausting, time consuming and expensive?
This is where Novaskill can help.
Therese and Kelly at Novaskill Port Macquarie are dedicated to taking all the hard work and administration out of recruiting, inducting, training and employing apprentices and trainees.
Consider the following in building your team through traineeships as a win/win option:
- Are you looking to put on a new staff member?
- Do you have someone working for you part time who has been there less than 12 months?
- Have you recently employed someone full time? (less than 3 months)
If you answered Yes to any of the above, it's quite likely that person can be signed up as a Trainee.
While the Trainee receives a nationally recognised qualification, you as the employer benefit from a better trained and qualified staff member as well as these employer incentives.
- Payroll Tax rebates
- Access to Trainee wages
- Up to $4,000 Government Incentives
- Subject to eligibility the average cost of Novaskill Cert IV courses usually over $5,000 are subsided to around $240!
Novaskill will assist you by:
Helping you find the right person if you do not have someone currently with your business you can enrol as a Trainee we can help you find the right person. We work with all the job providers to find the most suitable candidates, many of who come with attractive wage subsidies of up to $10,000.
Working with the government Traineeship authorities to enrol the Trainee and meet the federal traineeship conditions.
Delivering the training we offer a range of qualifications in Business, Hospitality, Retail, Community Services, Warehousing and Horticulture.
Choosing Novaskill as your training organisation will mean:-
- Students can commence at anytime! No need to wait for the start of a course.
- More time in the workplace - the student does not have to leave the workplace to attend training.
- Flexibility - generally the business allows the student approx. 3 hours per week to work on their studies however they have the flexibility to structure this around quieter times.
- On Site Training - our trainers visit the student in the workplace and do their practical observations in their actual work place.
- Individual Support - students have one-on-one time with their trainers and access to contact them at anytime.
- Employers are kept informed about the students progress through work place visits and contact through the trainer and Novaskill support.
- Students are self-paced and can move ahead with additional units once they have submitted Assessments.
Remember Trainees don't have to be young school leavers!
Your employee may be an experienced person who has never received formal qualifications.
For example, a newly appointed Supervisor may be experienced but not have their Cert IV Hospitality Qualification or may benefit from doing a Leadership and Management Qualification.
Signing them up as a Trainee gives your business the Employer Benefits and the staff member the benefit of getting their qualification.
Novaskill can also tailor a training package specifically for your organisation.
If you have any questions or would like to discuss Traineeship or training options for your business please contact :-
Kelly Gamblin Kelly
Or phone the Port Macquarie Office on (02) 65 00 1100
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