Local business women give generously to victims of domestic violence
Posted by Megan Philippa
on 27 February 2018
Around 50 members of the Hastings Business Women's Network attended the HBWN year end celebration on Thursday 30 November as the network toasted another successful year at the stunning Ana Mandara Luxury Bed & Breakfast.
The event was held in support of Australian charity 'Share the Dignity'. Attendees were asked to bring along a handbag filled with personal care items that would make a woman feel special.
As usual our members were very generous, with more than 50 bags donated on the night. These donations will directly benefit local women in crisis. Members heard from a local victim of Domestic Violence, who very bravely shared her story of survival.Veteran members and new members alike came together to reflect on the past year and to acknowledge our Tall Poppies (Life Members) with the presentation of special gold name badges.
Thank you to Ana Mandara as our venue sponsor, and to XS Foods for the delicious catering.Author:Megan Philippa
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