HBWN supports Share The Dignity
"There is no exercise better for the heart than reaching down and lifting people up." John Holmes.
Corporate Social Responsibility is a term that seems to be overused in business these days, with many big businesses lining up to tell you just how they are changing the world while making millions of dollars for their shareholders. Unfortunately, some companies see this as the new way to do PR, a way to win brownie points for their business. It's important to remember the reasons we give and not just do it for the sake of improving our brand, because savvy customers know how to separate the genuine from the superficial.
Giving to charity is, of course. a wonderful thing, and is a fantastic way to do greater social good in your community. It's also a win-win situation, as your business will gain from it too, if you do it right. Supporting a charity in achieving their objectives is a great way to lead by example, promoting generosity to your customers and to your staff. There are also other intrinsic benefits such as an increased sense of social connection and a feeling that your business is a valued and important part of a greater community.
On a personal level, volunteering with or donating to a charity can also bring more meaning to your life. A Harvard Business School research paper published in 2009 "Feeling Good About Giving" found that people were more willing to give after being shown charity themselves. Essentially the paper concluded that that if you pay a favour to a stranger, and they in turn pay a favour to another stranger, this will create a wave of human kindness, and ultimately make the world a better place.
So how can we continue to pay it forward, in a real and sincere way? In 2016, there were an estimated 54,000 registered charities in Australia. With the market so flooded with charities and not-for-profit organisations, it is hard to know which one to donate to and why. Our advice? Do something meaningful; choose a charity whose mission aligns with your company's values and vision. A donation doesn't have to be monetary; you could donate your time or skills, or simply help them to promote their cause by using your own business networks.This is why HBWN chooses to support 'Share The Dignity', a charity that makes an on the ground difference for homeless women and victims of domestic violence. Through the donation of sanitary and personal hygiene products, small dignities make a big difference. We passionately believe that every woman has the right to hold her head high and like the tall poppy in our logo, stand out from the crowd.
Around 70 members joined us for the HBWN year-end celebration on Thursday 22 November 2018, as we toasted another successful year, at the stunning Little Fish Cafe & Restaurant, Port Macquarie.
The event was held in support of 'Share the Dignity'. Attendees were asked to bring along a handbag filled with personal care items that would make a woman feel special, especially in a time of crisis. As is always the case, our members were very generous, with a record number of bags donated on the night. These donations will directly benefit local women in crisis and will go to local charities such as the Domestic and Family Violence Specialist Service women's refuge.
Event attendees were incredibly privileged to hear our special guest speaker's story. Jenna Bamborough-Lahey, Housing Manager from our local Domestic & Family Violence Specialist Service, helped us to truly understand how and why our donated bags will make a difference to local women in crisis this Christmas and just how much it does mean to these women in need. Our members were visibly very moved by Jenna's insightful words, and we truly appreciate her coming along to share her story with us.
A big thank you to all of our valued HBWN Members, who continue to support the network as well as 'Share the Dignity', and for making the time to come along.
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