Business women invited to gain insight into local economic issues
Local business women are invited to attend a networking breakfast event with the Hastings Business Women's Network on Thursday 28 August to gain insight into local economic issues.
Liesa Davies, Group Manager of Economic Development at Port Macquarie-Hastings Council will be addressing the group with a 'Day in the Life' style presentation.
This presentation aims to illustrate the scope of projects that the Economic Development team are working on as they strive to increase the level of sustainable business activity in the Hastings region.
The Economic Development team is responsible for implementing the Economic Development Strategy with related projects that add economic value to the region and position it as a place where people want to Live, Learn, Work, Play and Invest.
"Our team works on a varied range of projects that includes everything from collecting the relevant data and research so we can effectively plan for our region's growth, to providing links to some of council's core services such as building and planning, to implementing a Greater Port Macquarie Destination Management Plan to grow our visitor economy" said Ms Davies.
"I'm certainly looking forward to sharing the details of these initiatives in more detail and answering any questions that local business women might have in relation to these projects" she said.
HBWN President Kelly Lamb said the presentation will not only provide attendees with insight into Liesa's role within Port Macquarie-Hastings Council, it will also give Liesa the opportunity to discuss some of the developments taking place in our area.
"There are several initiatives that council are working on at the moment that could impact local business" Mrs Lamb said.
"It's important for business women to stay abreast of these developments if they want to be able to take advantage of what they have to offer" she said.
The Hastings Happenings networking event will be held at Cassegrain Winery at 6.45am on Thursday 28 August. For further information or to purchase tickets to this event visit
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